Third Eye Chakra Stones

What Stone is for the Third Eye Chakra?

The Third Eye Chakra is the energy center concerned with witnessing and discerning truth. As the “Seat of the Soul”, it is where all impulses, emotions and experiences produced by other chakras are given meaning to. An open Third Eye allows you to observe life from an enlightened perspective. You will quickly see the truth and greater meaning in every experience. You will transcend dualities and your inherent psychic abilities will be activated. When your Third Eye is blocked, it becomes hard to separate truth from illusion. You become close-minded, paranoid and deaf to guidance from higher consciousness.

If you feel that your Third Eye is imbalanced, there are Third Eye Chakra Stones and Crystals that resonate with the Third Eye. Typically, stones that are indigo, violet, blue, and sometimes clear are used for Third Eye Chakra healing. However, there are stones of different colors that also support the Third Eye Chakra.

Best 28 Third Eye Chakra Stones and Crystals

Below is a complete list of the most powerful Third Eye Chakra stones and crystals and pictures of what they look like. You can click to learn more about each of the crystals or shop the crystals directly. The list is quite long, but we listed the top choices to boost your spiritual awakening, ability to connect to higher consciousness, and development of psychic abilities.

1. Amethyst

Amethyst meanning and benefits
Amethyst meanning and benefits

This violet crystal will form a protective shield around you, keeping you safe frompsychic attacks. Amethyst strongly stimulates the Third Eye and aligns it with the higher chakras, making it good for expanding into higher states of consciousness. This stone will help develop your inner wisdom, intuition, psychic abilities, and connectyou to spirit guides, angels and the Divine.
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2. Angelite

angelite meanings and benefits
angelite meanings and benefits

This blue crystal allows you to vocalize the higher knowledge that your Third Eye receiveswhile meditating with Angelite. Itwill also expand your psychic abilities byenhancing your inner vision, strengthening your connection to other realms, and making messages from otherrealms easier to pick up anddecipher.
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3. Azeztulite (Satyaloka Quartz)

azeztulite meanings and benefits
azeztulite meanings and benefits

Azeztulite is a high-vibration Third Eye Chakra stone known for activating psychic abilities and facilitatinginterdimensional travel. Azeztulite instantly connects its wearer to higher states of consciousness, activates clairvoyance and stimulates kundalini energy. This can be cathartic for some and overwhelming for others. I suggest using Azeztulite with a grounding stoneif you feel the latter.
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4. Blue Lace Agate

blue lace agate meaning and benefits
blue lace agate meaning and benefits

This banded pale blue crystal soothes an overstimulated Third Eye when held over the area. Its energy is subtle and calming, and willquiet down racing or negative thoughts in the mind. When you feelconsumed by emotions, Blue Lace Agate helps you regain balance by empowering your mind.
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5. Botswana Agate

botswana agate meaning and benefits
botswana agate meaning and benefits

Botswana Agate is a greyish blue agate that features banded patterns in black, white, grey or blue.The stone links the Third Eye and Crown Chakra, resulting to the strongerconnectionto your enlightened Higher Self.The line of communication between you andyour spirit guides will openand psychic abilitieswill be enhanced.
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6. Blue Calcite

Blue Calcite relaxes the mind, resulting in a sensible temperament and increased creativity. Blue Calcite will allow you to perceive emotional situationsfrom a level-headed point of view. Your mind’s relaxed state will also allow you to enter intoa creative state with ease. Blue Calcite also enhances the vividness of dreams and helpswith dream deciphering.
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7. Celestite

celestite meanings and benefits
celestite meanings and benefits

Many high-intensity stones whisk us away into higher consciousness, but Celestite lets us float into Cosmic Awareness at a slower, more manageable pace. Celestite aligns the Third Eye with the higher chakras. It willfill your surroundings with divine energy and awaken your psychic abilities to help you pick up messages from angelic realms. Clairaudience, lucid dreaming and astral traveling are known Celestite benefits.
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8. Crazy Lace Agate

crazy lace agate meaning and benefits
crazy lace agate meaning and benefits

This crystal features brightly-colored swirling patterns in gold, brown, red, pink, grey and black. As the “Laughter Stone”, ittunes intoa lower frequency that grounds your energy. Crazy Lace anchors your mind to the present, helping you enjoy your daily life to the fullest. Itcenters by soothing the mind, revealing hidden blockages and enhancing practical wisdom.
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9. Cryolite

cryolite meanings and benefits
cryolite meanings and benefits

This crystal will raise your overall vibration, enhance your connection to your purest self, and open your Third Eye. Cryolite’s energy may feel too powerful at first, so you’ll need to let yourself adapt to its frequency. Cryolite will enhance your mental state and activate your Third Eye in minutes. You may experience clairvoyance, déjà vu, lucid dreaming, astral projection, contact with spirit guides and ESP.
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10. Fluorite

Fluorite meaning and healing properties
FLUORITE meaning and healing properties

Fluorite, especially Blue and Purple Fluorite,helps achieve mental clarity and enhancement. Blue Fluorite opensus to new ideas and helps us let go of dogmas that hinder our growth. It also vacuums out negative thoughts and mental clutter so that we can make decisions from a clear Third Eye. Purple Fluorite stimulates psychic abilities andcenters us whilewe explore mystical insights to prevent us from getting overwhelmed. 
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11. Blue Goldstone

Blue Goldstone, or Blue Sandstone, is a dark blue stone with sparkles and lookslikea piece of starry night sky. This crystal can stimulate telepathic abilities, assist in learning and communicating, promote innovating thinking and encourage level-headed judgment. Blue Goldstone is also protective and wards off psychic attacks.
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12. Grape Agate

grape agate meaning and benefits
grape agate meaning and benefits

This violet crystal helps weave the real world and dream world together. Your dreams will be more vivid and its messages decipherable so that you can integrate its lessons in your waking life. Grape Agate also enhances intuition and makes you more sensitive and receptive to messages from the universe.
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13. Green Amethyst (Prasiolite)

green amethyst meanings and benefits
green amethyst meanings and benefits

Green Amethyst helps you integrate your Third Eye’s insights into the real world. This Third Eye Chakra crystal attracts inner wisdom, spiritual insight and practical knowledge. Afterwards, it helps us apply these into our daily lives, making it a very transformative stone. Green Amethyst promotes mental health and finding your purpose.
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14. Herkimer Diamond

herkimer diamond meanings and benefits
herkimer diamond meanings and benefits

This colorless quartz bridges the gap between the spiritual and the physical worlds. When meditating with this stone, it becomes easier to tune into the frequencies of angels and spirit guides and to communicate with them through telepathy. Herkimer Diamond increases clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities, and can enhance your dream-life.
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15. Blue Kyanite

kyanite meanings and benefits
kyanite meanings and benefits

Blue Kyanite stimulates psychic communication and telepathic skills. It will allow you to “download” information from higher planes and use it to guide you in the physical realm. It also makes lucid dreaming and dream deciphering easier. Blue Kyanite can also help you communicate with animals through visual images.
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16. Lapis Lazuli

lapis lazuli meaning benefits
lapis lazuli meaning benefits

Lapis Lazuli is the stone of self-awareness. It increases your inner-knowledge and inner vision, and helps you uncover deep-seated, buried truths about yourself. This Third Eye Chaka crystal also enhancesintellectual capacities, memory, visionary awareness, and intuition. This makes it agood stone for learners and seekers of wisdom. 
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17. Lepidolite

lepidolite meanings and benefits
lepidolite meanings and benefits

This purple-pink crystal teaches us to accept of where we are now in ourlives. Lepidolite aligns the Third Eye and the Heart Chakra. This energy alignment allows us to see from an enlightened perspective during tumultuous times and assures us that, with a bit of faith, things will eventually fall into place.
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18. Moldavite

moldavite meanings and benefits
moldavite meanings and benefits

Moldavite is a Stone of Greatness. Its extraterrestrial origins, whimsical color, and shape are all indications that this stone isn’t an ordinary gem. The force that created it isn’t even from the earth, and it is only found in one place–in the present-day Czech Republic. It is commonly used for spiritual attunement with the Universe and higher planes.
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19. Moonstone

moonstone meanning and benefits
moonstone meanning and benefits

This beautiful white stone resonates deeply with the energy of the moon. It works directly with the Third Eye and stimulates intuition and inner vision. It activates Kundalini energy and clairvoyance in females, and strengthens nonlinear thinking and emotional harmony in males. Moonstone brings balance to those who are pre-dominantly left-brained by strengthening their internal wisdom.
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20. Phenacite

phenacite meanings and benefits
phenacite meanings and benefits

This colorless crystal gives us access to interdimensional portals and to our subconscious. Meditating with Phenacite will provide us valuable information from different realms that we can use in our daily lives. It will also strengthen our ability to understand signs and symbols, and to communicate with etheric beings during these travels.
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21. Rainbow Aura Quartz

titanium rainbow aura quartz meaning healing properties
titanium rainbow aura quartz meaning healing properties

The multicolored Rainbow Aura Quartz combines the potent energies of Titanium and Quartz. This creates a powerful energy field that grounds and balances, and simultaneously energizes and activates the Chakra system. Rainbow Aura Quartz greatly benefitsthe Third Eye’s psychic abilities by strengthening them without letting them overpower you.
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22. Ruby Zoisite

Ruby zoisite meanning and benefits
Ruby zoisite meanning and benefits

This green and red stone is a manifestation stone that aligns the Third Eye with the Crown, Heart and Root Chakras. This creates an energy that helps us apply enlightened ideas and inner wisdom into our relationships and practical affairs. Ruby Zoisite can also stimulates interdimensional travel and out-of-body experiences.
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23. Selenite

selenite meanings and benefits
selenite meanings and benefits

Selenite fully opens the Third Eye, making you receptive to higher truths and insights pouring in from your Crown and Etheric Chakras. By activating your Third Eye, this white stone makes sure that you will understand the knowledge from your Higher Self. Selenite is a powerful meditation stone for spiritual healing and growth.
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24. Sodalite

Sodalite meanning and benefits
Sodalite meanning and benefits

Sodalite is a blue stone with white markings and is known for mental enhancement. Ultimate reality is union and the transcendence of dualities. Using Sodalite will dissolve contradictions in your mind and help you understand the bigger picture of life. Sodalite will also guide you when exploring your subconscious life.
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25. Sugilite

sugilite meanings and benefits
sugilite meanings and benefits

This purple crystal is beneficial for self-discovery through dreams. Keeping a piece near your Third Eye while you sleep allows you to enter dreams that are extensive imageries of where you are in your life’s journey. In your waking life, Sugulite will help your mind focus on the present and to stay in the moment.
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26. Tanzanite

tanzanite meanings and benefits
tanzanite meanings and benefits

This blue stone aligns the mind, heart and soul. It will help you interact with yourself, with others and the with Universe from a place of enlightened compassion and spirituality.The elevated Third Eye will help your heart release traumas and burdens from the past. It also becomessensitive to higher knowledge from the Divine.
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27. Colorless Topaz

Colorless Topaz is powerful for deciphering dreams. This crystal will bridge the gap between the etheric and physical world, resulting to you easily noticing details in your dreams and reality that are in sync. When you dream, the most minute details become clear and remembering themafterwards becomes a breeze.
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28. Turquoise

Turquoise meanning and benefits
Turquoise meanning and benefits

Blue Turquoise soothes an overactive Third Eye and releases negative thoughts cluttering the mind. This makes Turquoise a good healing stone for those suffering from anxiety and depression. Turquoise also helps enhance self-awareness and helps you develop a deeper understanding of life and your purpose in it.
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How to Use Third Eye Chakra Healing Stones

Cleanse and charge your Third Eye Chakra stones before each use. Rinsing under running water, submerging in saltwater and covering in sage smoke are some ways to cleanse your crystals.

To charge, leave them under sunlight or moonlight, or surround them with high-energy crystals to maximize their healing effects.

Healing is most effective when your Third Eye Chakra stone is placed on your forehead between your brows where it has direct access to your Third Eye.

During meditation, I recommend placing your stone on the Third Eye Chakra for around 10-20 minutes before bed or upon waking up each day.

Or, you can choose to wear Third Eye Chakra crystals as jewelry near your Third Eye for maximum effects. Wearing these throughout the day will help release piled up energy clogging your Third Eye.

I hope this has helped you in your journey towards healing.

Love and Light! 

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