Pisces Zodiac Stones and Crystals

1. Alexandrite

alexandrite meanings and benefits
alexandrite meanings and benefits

Alexandrite is often called an “Emerald by day, a Ruby by night.” This special characteristic is caused by an optical property exhibited by a few other gems called pleochroism. This means that a mineral or a crystal changes color when viewed from different angles.
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2. Amethyst

Amethyst meanning and benefits
Amethyst meanning and benefits

When you wear Amethyst jewelry, they encourage you to engage in positive retrospection. They help you access your true feelings and increase intuition. They also stimulate and balance your Crown and Brow (Third Eye) Chakras. Moreover, they soothe your mind during meditation practice.
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3. Aquamarine

aquamarine meanings and benefits
aquamarine meanings and benefits

Aquamarine isn’t only a protective stone for water-related activities. It also benefits one’s emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being. The beautiful blue of Aquamarine calms, soothes, and cleanses disruptive energies that can affect one’s mood.
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4. Azeztulite

azeztulite meanings and benefits
azeztulite meanings and benefits

Ultimately, the Azeztulite meaning is about rejuvenation, expansion, and healing. It also revitalizes your purpose and restores your will. Furthermore, it stimulates intuitive guidance to help you make sound decisions. Azeztulite also expands your consciousness, raises your kundalini energies, aids in your discovery, awakening, and transformation.
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5. Bloodstone (heliotrope)

Bloodstone meanning and benefits
Bloodstone meanning and benefits

Bloodstones have a rich history to them. They were used by different cultures across the world as a stone to evoke courage, strength, purity, and protection. Bloodstone brings out the altruistic self and is said to symbolize life, birth, vitality, and passion.
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6. Blue Lace Agate

blue lace agate meaning and benefits
blue lace agate meaning and benefits

Blue Lace Agate is the perfect stone if you want to be calmer and more balanced in your thoughts and actions. And, for those seemingly trapped in difficult situations, Blue Lace Agate guides them away from panic and intense, negative emotions.
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7. Clear Quartz

clear quartz meanning and benefits
clear quartz meanning and benefits

The versatility of Clear Quartz is well known as it jive extremely well with other crystals and can also be programmed with the intention you desire. Connected to its coveted healing properties, the Clear Quartz gemstone is great at aligning all the chakras. Clear Quartz is also considered the Master Healer of crystals and is often use to amplify the energies of other crystals.
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8. Fluorite

Fluorite meaning and healing properties
FLUORITE meaning and healing properties

The name “Fluorite” is derived from the Latin word “fluo” which means “flux”. This is reflective of the crystal’s ability to allow an uninterrupted flow of information—making it excellent for those who need to memorize, learn a new skill, or retain a large amount of material.
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9. Jasper

Jasper meaning and benefits
Jasper meaning and benefits

Jasper Gemstones impart grounding, stabilizing, and strengthening energies to their owners. They enhance one’s mental capacities and restrain a person from dangerous desires and actions. Jasper can also be used to stimulate one’s sexuality and enhance sexual pleasure.
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10. Kyanite

kyanite meanings and benefits
kyanite meanings and benefits

The Kyanite gemstone is a high-frequency crystal that opens the mind and helps strengthen a person’s telepathic and psychic abilities. Kyanite endows people with tranquility and calmness. These properties make it the perfect stone to help you transition into a deep meditative state.
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11. Labradorite

labradorite meaning benefits
labradorite meaning benefits

A Labradorite’s protective qualities also helps prevent energy leaks. It is also the gemstone to use if you need to recharge after doing any mental or physical activities. It can both protect and calm down excitable energies to achieve balance in your system.
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12. Lepidolite

lepidolite meanings and benefits
lepidolite meanings and benefits

The Lepidolite gemstone is commonly used for balancing and stabilizing. If you have a hard time getting your emotions in check, Lepidolite can help you. If you are excessively stressed and can’t seem to get a good work-life balance, you can benefit from this gemstone as well.
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13. Moldavite

moldavite meanings and benefits
moldavite meanings and benefits

Moldavite is a Stone of Greatness. Its extraterrestrial origins, whimsical color, and shape are all indications that this stone isn’t an ordinary gem. The force that created it isn’t even from the earth, and it is only found in one place–in the present-day Czech Republic. It is commonly used for spiritual attunement with the Universe and higher planes.
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14. Opal

opal meanings and benefits
opal meanings and benefits

With its multi-color flashing lights, Opal is a distinctive mineraloid with delicate but vibrant energies. It reflects the mood of the wearer and brings loyalty, spontaneity, and faithfulness. Opal also strengthens your will to live, heals the emotional body, and helps clear and balance the seven chakras.
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15. Rainbow Aura Quartz

rainbow aura quartz meaning healing properties
titanium rainbow aura quartz meaning healing properties

The vibrational energy of Titanium Rainbow Aura Quartz is exceptionally suited for spiritual healing. Besides being visually appealing, this crystal has deep-rooted purifying energies as well. First of all, it disperses evil and malicious aura from your immediate surroundings effectively.
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16. Serpentine

serpentine meaning and benefits
serpentine meaning and benefits

Serpentine is a gemstone with strong connections to the Kundalini energy, which is a high-level energy that flows upwards your body, unblocking and balancing all your chakras in the process. You can use this to experience a renewed energy that powers your life and spirit.
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17. Spirit Quartz

spirit quartz meanings and benefits
spirit quartz meanings and benefits

As a mental stone, Spirit Quartz facilitates good communication in any group or collective activity. It encourages everyone to build good relationships that are based on harmony and service. It also stimulates peace and healing in homes that have rivalries or misunderstandings.
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18. Topaz

topaz meanings and benefits
topaz meanings and benefits

Topaz is a very gentle-natured stone and is one of the best crystals you can ever give yourself. By using a Topaz gemstone, you are infusing your spirit with the energy of the sun. Available in various hues, Topaz crystal soothes, heals, and recharges several chakra points.
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19. Turquoise

Turquoise meanning and benefits
Turquoise meanning and benefits

Turquoise is often used to promote harmony in marriage and enhance communications in relationships. It also is a calming stone used to soothe mood swings and uplift your spirit. Turquoise also activates your Throat Chakra, which is the center of communication, serenity, creativity, and spiritual bonding.
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20. White Jade

white jade meanning and benefits
white jade meanning and benefits

White Jade gemstone purifies your heart and rejuvenates your inner energy. It cleanses you from harmful, dark energy and makes your chest feel lighter. Picture this crystal as a smooth wave of the ocean rushing to the shore, merging with the sand and leaving it refreshed as it goes back.
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