Earth Element Gemstones and Crystals

1. Alexandrite

alexandrite meanings and benefits
alexandrite meanings and benefits

Alexandrite is often called an “Emerald by day, a Ruby by night.” This special characteristic is caused by an optical property exhibited by a few other gems called pleochroism. This means that a mineral or a crystal changes color when viewed from different angles.
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2. Amazonite

Amazonite meanning and benefits
Amazonite meanning and benefits

Named after the largest river in South America, the Amazon river, this stone’s appearance definitely reminds one of its waters and the forest surrounding the great river. Some even say that the properties of the Amazonite stone are representative of the strength and harmony that the semi-mythical Amazonians had.
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3. Black Agate

Black Agate Meaning and Benefits

Black Agate is known to impart a calming peace during a period of grieving. Black Agates don’t necessarily push the pain away but instead give their owners the power to overcome grief by giving them the inner strength to move on. This stone can also be helpful in keeping stressful households somewhat peaceful despite the turmoil.
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4. Black Obsidian

black obsidian meaning healing properties
black obsidian meaning healing properties

Black Obsidian is formed from volcanic molten lava that has undergone rapid cooling, because of which this stone is also called “Volcanic Glass.” Other names include Glass Agate, Royal Agate, and Glassy Lava. Since it is obtained from volcanic lava, it is believed to have the most powerful properties combining the elements of Fire, Water, and Earth.
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5. Black Tourmaline

black tourmaline meaning and benefits
black tourmaline meaning and benefits

The Black Tourmaline gemstone is a big time energy purifier in the world of healing crystals. It repels and blocks negative energies and turns them into positive energies. It also serves as a powerful grounding stone, which protects you throughout your spiritual journey.
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6. Bloodstone (heliotrope)

Bloodstone meanning and benefits
Bloodstone meanning and benefits

Bloodstones have a rich history to them. They were used by different cultures across the world as a stone to evoke courage, strength, purity, and protection. Bloodstone brings out the altruistic self and is said to symbolize life, birth, vitality, and passion.
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7. Clear Quartz

clear quartz meanning and benefits
clear quartz meanning and benefits

The versatility of Clear Quartz is well known as it jive extremely well with other crystals and can also be programmed with the intention you desire. Connected to its coveted healing properties, the Clear Quartz gemstone is great at aligning all the chakras. Clear Quartz is also considered the Master Healer of crystals and is often use to amplify the energies of other crystals.
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8. Emerald

emerald meanings and benefits
emerald meanings and benefits

Emotionally, Emerald serves many purposes. For one, emerald is a potent catalyst for self-love. Its healing properties help us tap into the Divine Love or Divine Heart, enabling us to journey into the path of self-discovery with compassion, forgiveness and gratitude. Emerald helps us manifest from our Heart Center making our manifestation more effective.
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9. Fire Agate

Fire Agate Meaning and Benefits
Fire Agate Meaning and Benefits

Burning with the light of the sun and the stars, or sometimes the moon and the sea, the Fire Agate is truly a precious crystal to behold. Its deep brown color with iridescent flashes of green and gold earns it the name Spiritual Flame of Absolute Perfection.
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10. Garnet

garnet meaning and benefits
garnet meaning and benefits

Garnet is a stone of strong, intense feelings and emotions. It induces strength, endurance, courage, and hope in especially tough situations. Garnet has the ability to help a person let go of old and harmful behavior patterns while empowering their other abilities. This stone empowers creativity and all creative pursuits. People have even placed Garnets under their pillows to help fight bad dreams.
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11. Green Amethyst (Prasiolite)

green amethyst meanings and benefits
green amethyst meanings and benefits

There are three ways Green Amethyst is formed; natural heating through flowing lava, irradiated which produces a light green color that turns colorless when exposed to high temperatures, and lastly by taking purple amethyst and heat-treating it at 500℃ to form Green Amethyst.
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12. Green Aventurine

Green aventurine meanning and benefits
Green aventurine meanning and benefits

Green Aventurine is a type of quartz that appears translucent, platy, and glistening due to the presence of bright mineral inclusions within the stone. Although Aventurine may also be yellow, brown, blue, orange, or even grey, it’s most commonly found in the color green. Green Aventurine is considered the Stone of Luck and Opportunity. Having more of both is always a good thing.
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13. Green Jade

green jade meanings and benefits
green jade meanings and benefits

The Green Jade gemstone is used in a lot of ancient cultures to gain access to the spiritual world. Generations of ritual leaders pass on ritualistic knowledge using this stone. It is also used to transform negative energy into positive energy like love and joy. Green Jade is often used in Feng Shui to attract monetary abundance.
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14. Green Tourmaline

green tourmaline meanings and benefits
green tourmaline meanings and benefits

Green Tourmaline gemstone is one of nature’s best healing crystal with its strong connection to the Heart Chakra. It is used to soothe a broken heart, to enhance spiritual awareness by connecting the heart with the spirit, and aids in compassion and self-love.
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15. Green Tree / Moss Agate

moss agate meaning and benefits
moss agate meaning and benefits

Green Tree Agates can have spots or inclusions of manganese or iron that seem to grow like lichens or moss inside. This stone is strongly connected to the Earth and will help you stay grounded. It gets rid of deep-seated fears and stress and replaces them with security and belonging. It gives stability when there is turmoil, and it also strengthens positive traits like one’s ability to get along with other people nicely.
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16. Hematite

Hematite meanning and benefits
Hematite meanning and benefits

Hematite is one of the best stones for grounding and centering our energy. It stimulates the root chakra, giving us a solid foundation during times when we waver. It has long been used as a stone of protection from stress, ill intentions, and negative energy.
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17. Jasper

Jasper meaning and benefits
Jasper meaning and benefits

Jasper Gemstones impart grounding, stabilizing, and strengthening energies to their owners. They enhance one’s mental capacities and restrain a person from dangerous desires and actions. Jasper can also be used to stimulate one’s sexuality and enhance sexual pleasure.
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18. Lava Stone

lava stone meanings and benefits
lava stone meanings and benefits

Is your life getting dull? Need a change of pace but too scared to make it? If you can relate to both of these, then the Lava Stone would be a great asset to you. With the harnessed energy from the earth and volcanoes, you can approach life in a new light.
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19. Mahogany Obsidian

Mahogany obsidian meaning healing properties
Mahogany obsidian meaning healing properties

Mahogany Obsidian, the majestic, fiery stone, is as spectacular as the name suggests. Mahogany Obsidian is otherwise known as Mountain Mahogany. This stone is great for deflecting negative energies and creating space for strength, courage, and stability. It also relieves you of self-victimization and feelings of unworthiness, giving you tunnel vision for your goals and dreams.
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20. Moldavite

moldavite meanings and benefits
moldavite meanings and benefits

Moldavite is a Stone of Greatness. Its extraterrestrial origins, whimsical color, and shape are all indications that this stone isn’t an ordinary gem. The force that created it isn’t even from the earth, and it is only found in one place–in the present-day Czech Republic. It is commonly used for spiritual attunement with the Universe and higher planes.
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21. Opal

opal meanings and benefits
opal meanings and benefits

With its multi-color flashing lights, Opal is a distinctive mineraloid with delicate but vibrant energies. It reflects the mood of the wearer and brings loyalty, spontaneity, and faithfulness. Opal also strengthens your will to live, heals the emotional body, and helps clear and balance the seven chakras.
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22. Peridot

peridot meaning and benefits
peridot meaning and benefits

Top Peridot benefits include stimulation of the mind, the heart, and the spirit. As a potent protective talisman, the Peridot gemstone is excellent to use against the evils of the darkness. It is used to maneuver fears, alleviate stress, and fight depression.
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23. Pyrite

pyrite meaning and benefits
pyrite meaning and benefits

Pyrite’s meaning lies in protection, vitality, and the spark of life. As the Pyrite gemstone resonates with both Earth and Fire energies, it is a perfect amalgam of stability and passion. Primarily, Pyrite reflects masculine nature, which is marked by action, will, and persistence.
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24. Rainbow Obsidian

rainbow obsidian meaning healing properties
rainbow obsidian meaning healing properties

A mysterious black stone that shines with all the colors of the sky, Rainbow Obsidian carries with it enigmatic abilities that matches its color. Normally, the stone looks just like a sparkly and glossy black stone but when shone under the sun, it radiates all its hidden and hypnotizing colors.
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25. Red Tiger Eye

Red Tiger's eye meanning and benefits
Red Tiger’s eye meanning and benefits

The Red Tiger Eye is a very rare gemstone that shares the same energies of the original Tiger Eye. It helps overcome lethargy and provides motivation in the face of challenges. It also enhances your confidence and self-esteem. As an added bonus, Red Tiger Eye brings more passion, solidifies relationships, and seals friendships.
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26. Rhodonite

Rhodonite meanning and benefits
Rhodonite meanning and benefits

Rhodonite is known primarily as the Rescue stone because it rescues the heart from being embittered. It is also called the stone of Purpose, Community, and Generosity. Rhodonite is one of the most powerful Heart Chakra stones out there.
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27. Ruby

ruby meanings and benefits
ruby meanings and benefits

To many ancient people, Ruby is the stone of nobility. It is the stone of kings and queens. Ancient cultures have associated this stone with the power of the sun, and this connection is what gives Ruby meaning. Ruby benefits includes: promoting trust, passion, protection, and prosperity. It also inspires creativity, courage, and altruism.
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28. Ruby Fuchsite

ruby fuchsite meanings and benefits
ruby fuchsite meanings and benefits

Since Ruby Fuchsite is a gemstone that provides energy full of love and compassion, it helps to heal a person spiritually and emotionally. Also, if you’re interested in attaining psychic powers and knowing more about the spiritual and natural world, Ruby Fuchsite is the gemstone for you.
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29. Ruby Zoisite

Ruby zoisite meanning and benefits
Ruby zoisite meanning and benefits

Ruby Zoisite uses include the release of toxic emotions in order to move forth in healing. Often, it is used when mourning the death of a loved one. Feelings of guilt, sadness, anger, and pain hurt us in the aftermath of losing someone we hold dear, and yet we find it hard to let these feelings go. Let Ruby Zoisite be your guide to release these lower vibrations and embrace more love and light in your life.
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30. Sapphire

sapphire meanings and benefits
sapphire meanings and benefits

Sapphires are one of the four most precious gemstones in the world, along with diamonds, emeralds and rubies. Sapphire has many healing properties and thus has been given three names: the “stone of wisdom”, the “stone of new love and commitment” and the “stone of prosperity”.
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31. Serpentine

serpentine meaning and benefits
serpentine meaning and benefits

Serpentine is a gemstone with strong connections to the Kundalini energy, which is a high-level energy that flows upwards your body, unblocking and balancing all your chakras in the process. You can use this to experience a renewed energy that powers your life and spirit.
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32. Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz meanning and benefits
Smoky quartz meanning and benefits

This mesmerizing stone is one that takes on different colors with an ethereal translucence. From the gray of fragile incense smoke, to the blackness of the deepest night, to the warm brown of healthy soil. Smoky Quartz meaning harks back to these colors–it is as ubiquitous as incense in spiritual rituals, absorbs and protects us from intentions as dark as the night, and keeps us grounded and growing like plants grown on fertile ground.
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33. Snowflake Obsidian

snowflake obsidian meaning healing and properties
snowflake obsidian meaning healing and properties

With regards to intellectual pursuits, Snowflake Obsidian enhances the ability to retain information and understand new concepts. It strengthens your resolve and sense of self, boosting personal power to help achieve whatever you set your mind to.
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34. Spirit Quartz

spirit quartz meanings and benefits
spirit quartz meanings and benefits

As a mental stone, Spirit Quartz facilitates good communication in any group or collective activity. It encourages everyone to build good relationships that are based on harmony and service. It also stimulates peace and healing in homes that have rivalries or misunderstandings.
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35. Tiger’s Eye

Tiger's eye meanning and benefits
Tiger’s eye meanning and benefits

Tiger’s Eye is a beautiful stone with its bands of brown, gold and tan. But this is much more than a pretty rock. Its powerful healing properties have been used for centuries. Known as the Stone of the Mind, Tiger’s Eye helps you stay strong and resilient during times of overwhelming challenges. It helps build courage to overcome fear, doubt, and uncertainty. Tiger’s Eye also enhances discipline, making it a great stone for creating wealth.
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36. Turquoise

Turquoise meanning and benefits
Turquoise meanning and benefits

Turquoise is often used to promote harmony in marriage and enhance communications in relationships. It also is a calming stone used to soothe mood swings and uplift your spirit. Turquoise also activates your Throat Chakra, which is the center of communication, serenity, creativity, and spiritual bonding.
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37. Unakite

unakite meanings and benefits
unakite meanings and benefits

Unakite elevates our experience and understanding of love and emotions by tapping into the Higher Heart, which connects us to the divine and unconditional love. This allows us to develop insight into our past and present experiences and allows us to respond to circumstances with emotional maturity and understanding.
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38. Vanadinite

vanadinite meanings and benefits
vanadinite meanings and benefits

Vibrating strongly at the Sacral Chakra, the Vanadinite gemstone enhances your creativity. It makes you feel adventurous, pushing you to break free of the expectations of others and take risks. It also expands your mind and encourages you to express your desires and ideas.
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39. White Jade

white jade meanning and benefits
white jade meanning and benefits

White Jade gemstone purifies your heart and rejuvenates your inner energy. It cleanses you from harmful, dark energy and makes your chest feel lighter. Picture this crystal as a smooth wave of the ocean rushing to the shore, merging with the sand and leaving it refreshed as it goes back.
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