Loss is a natural human experience that we will all go through one way or another. Loss brings suffering and emotions will run high. But when done right, it provides time for deep personal growth.
The reality is, not all can deal with loss in such way. The emotional shock of losing a loved one in any form has plunged many into destructive behaviors such as excessive drinking, smoking and other harmful addictions.
There are healthier ways to cope with loss. Crystals can help heal the mind, body and spirit. Though they cannot magically make things better, crystals for grief can support you through the stages of grief until you find healing.
Top 22 Soothing Crystals for Grief and Bereavement
1. Amazonite (The Peacemaker Stone)
Forgiveness is an essential part of the grieving process. This “Peacemaker Stone” is known for bringing harmony through truthful communication. When you find that your healing requires speaking with certain people, this crystal can be your truest companion. Amazonite links the heart and the mouth, creating a channel for our most heartfelt truths to surface. If our minds are the reason for these passionate truths to be suppressed, Amazonite can bring balance and sync the mind and heart. Amazonite is also very soothing, which can prevent discussions from going out of control due to intense emotions and grudges.
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2. Amethyst (The Stone of Intuition and Clear Thinking)
Amethyst is a very versatile healing stone. This still rings true for healing from grief and loss. This purple crystal focuses on spirituality and enhancing the mind to help us overcome grief. Amethyst’s high energy connects us to spirit guides and Divine Wisdom, and its ability to clear the mind produces a deep inner wisdom needed during trying times. This renewed wisdom will help you understand your pain from a place of enlightenment. It will teach you to find growth and meaning in the experience, and teach you how to turn your fear, anxiety and anger into positivity that can be used to start anew.
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3. Apache Tears(The Stone of Empathy)
These black or dark brown crystals for grief are named after an Apache Indian legend. The story goes that, to avoid capture by cavalrymen, Apache Indian warriors jumped off a cliff to their deaths. The women wailed and mourned, and with each tear that hit the ground, a black stone was formed. Apache Tears are the perfect empathic companions during the time of mourning. If your heart feels empty, these stones will provide protection over that space till it heals and is filled again. Apache Tears will also take share in some of the emotional burden as long as you need help.
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4. Aquamarine (Stone of Tranquility and Communication)
Talk therapy is important to the healing process of grief, be it with loved ones or with a professional. But first, you must talk from the heart. This light blue or greenish crystal for grief bridges the gap between the heart and the mouth so that when it is needed, your words will be raw and transparent. The water element in Aquamarine is also very refreshing to the emotions and can keep ease your feelings while working through the tumultuous emotions of grief. Aquamarine also puts your mind and heart in sync, making it easier for you to understand your experience and translate them into words.
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5. Black Obsidian (Aura Detoxification Stone)
Black Obsidian was once polished and used as an early mirror. Now, this beautiful black stone serves as a strong grounding crystal for grief. In times of distress, our thoughts and emotions may race and become scattered. With Black Obsidian, you are given a “psychic vacuum cleaner” that can absorb all the negative energies in and around you. After this cleansing, you will feel more rooted into the Earth and feel more stable and focused as you work on your healing. Expect Black Obsidian to also unleash your creative energies, which is very helpful as you begin a new life.
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6. Black Tourmaline (Stone of Auric and Physical Strength)
Black Tourmaline, or Schorl, is another powerful grounding crystal for grief. Like many grounding crystals, Black Tourmaline provides an armor to shield your auric field while clearing it and your immediate surroundings of all negative energies. This makes this crystal a good go-to during times of anger, anxiety and unwanted thoughts that occur during the grieving process.Another beauty of Black Tourmaline is that it transmutes negative energies into positive energies that you can use to push yourself forward during your healing. Those who are prone to psychosomatic illnesses can also take advantage of this crystal’s strengthening effects on the immune system and the physical body.
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7. Blue Calcite (Stone of Protection and Insight)
There are many colors of Calcite. The blue, in particular, is the most useful for dealing with grief. Blue Calcite is extremely protective of the aura. It will absorb all energies coming your way and transmute them into positive, useful energy. This can help boost your efforts towards healing. Blue Calcite also calms the emotional body and protects the mind from unwanted thoughts. This allows us to look at and understand our situation from a levelheaded point of view. Furthermore, Blue Calcite’s can cause your dreams to become more vivid and pregnant with insights on what you’re going through.
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8. Celestite (The Stone of Divine Wisdom)
Celestite is a crystal for grief that focuses on reaching peaceful conclusions, releasing emotional blockage, learning from experience and moving forward towards higher spiritual thought. As its name suggests, this light blue stone aligns you with the celestial realm. If you choose to work with this crystal, you will experience a stronger presence of your higher self and your spirit guides. Your aura and surroundings will be filled with uplifting and protective divine energy, making meditation and receiving divine-inspired insight effortless. Celestite will also humble the soul and to let go of the ego, which is vital to the healing process.
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9. Clear Quartz (Master Healer)
Not many crystals can activate the entire chakra system, and the Etheric Chakra, and the Earthstar Chakra, the way Clear Quartz does. This is why Clear Quartz is the “Master Healer” of crystals and was a staple in the Aztec, Egyptian, Celt, Mayan and Native American Indian healing rituals. Because of this unique ability, Clear Quartz fosters expansion of consciousness from all energy points of the body. Clarity and focus increases; the mind achieves the “empty state” needed for clear, pure reasoning; the heart is unburdened of unnecessary weight; and communication channels with the higher realms are opened. This makes Clear Quartz an extremely powerful crystal for healing when you find your self in the depths of grief.
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10. Larimar (Stone ofSpiritual Insight)
Larimar balances reason and spirituality, two things that provide us with an anchor during times of grief. This blue crystal helps us understand our loss with a clear mind. At the same time, it strengthens our faith in the “alrightness” of the universe and the Divine. As a communication stone, Larimar helps us bring our grief to the surface by teaching us to talk it out with our loved ones.This sounding board lets us hear our own thoughts as well as receive insight from others. This process helps us to better understand our experience and in the process, find our next steps.
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11. Lepidolite (The Stone of Inner Peace)
This purple or pink stone has a calming energy that can soothe mood swings, anxiety and depression. This healing property may be traced back to the good amount of lithium it contains, which is a chemical used in psychiatry to treat bipolar and major depressive episodes. Named after the Greek word for scales, Lepidolite brings balance back into turbulent times. When things seem bleak, Lepidolite will show you that darkness cannot exist without light. You can also use this crystal if you have difficulty sleeping. Just place it under your pillow every night and let its soothing energy lull you to sleep.
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12. Moonstone (The Stone of Feminine Energy)
Two crystals are named after the celestial beings that light up our skies, and the Moonstone is one of them. Not only does the opalescent Moonstone remind of our moon’s beauty, it also represents its feminine power. A quiet yet strong inner strength, Moonstone’s energy will reinforce a crushed spirit with nurturing, loving, compassionate energy. Moonstone inspires tranquility and emotional balance, as well as a strong intuition to help guide us into acting when the time is right. Moonstone also helps with contemplation and will teach us to see our lives as cycles or seasons, just like waxing and waning of the moon.
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13. Pyrite (Manifestation Stone)
Pyrite is a pale yellow, pale brass or metallic crystal named after “pyro” or “fire”. This is because of the sparks created when two pieces of Pyrite hit each other. This crystal is a strong determination and manifestation stone. Its healing powers are so strong that is used to be worn as jewelry by many Greeks and Romans who wanted to take advantage of its healing properties. As a crystal for grief, Pyrite can aid you in enduring the grieving process till its finality. Keeping a piece with you will help you stay on track in terms of observing the things you must do and not do to reach a place of healing.
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14. Rhodochrosite (The Warrior Heart Stone)
Rhodochrosite is the “Inca Rose Stone” or the “Raspberry Spar”. Named after its rosy color, Rhodochrosite is said to be the hardened blood of past fallen kings and queens of Argentina. Legend says that they hardened and turned to stone to show stamina, strength and power. As a crystal for grief, Rhodochrosite opens the channels for the heart and the willpower. This encourages us to endure anguish, pain or trauma that will be felt during the grieving process so that they can be fully processed and healed. The rosy crystal won’t leave us alone during the process and will keep us comforted with its stable vibrations.
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15. Rhodonite (The Emotional Buffer Stone)
This rose-red crystal is powerful for buffering the thoughts and feelings that plague us during the initial stages of grief, especially with denial. This stage can be very turbulent as the reality of the loss still has to sink in. Rhodonite will help us feel these feelings in all their fullness, yet keep us centered so that we can go through each feeling calmly and learn ways to let them go. Rhodonite will buffer the initial shock and emotional gashes while reminding our hearts that it is okay to keep on loving and to love again.
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16. Rose Quartz (The Heart Healer)
Rose Quartz is an elite stone for the affairs of the heart. As the most heart-centered crystal, Rose Quartz will envelope you with loving energy and remind you of your worth throughout each stage of grief. Grieving will bring you into periods of deep self-doubt and guilt, but Rose Quartz will keep you from succumbing to these energies by helping you find renewed love and compassion for yourself. Rose Quartz is also an excellent teacher in the art of forgiveness and will teach you to forgive where forgiveness is due.The crystal is perfect for healing a broken heart and for restoring trust in relationships.
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17. Ruby in Zoisite (The “Go For It” Stone)
This red crystal for grief teaches you to “go for it”. Grief looks different on every person and our healing may require different actions for every person. If you feel like raging and ripping things, or sulking to sad music, or escaping off on a solo-hike, Ruby in Zoisite will understand and encourage you to do it. Ruby in Zoisite will help you regain your passion for life without suppressing your grief. It will remind you of your soul plans and the lessons you must learn during this present incarnation, and that life is still moving and shaking. Ruby for Zoisite will teach you to be grateful for the happiness you had and to move on to new adventures with joy in your heart.
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18. Smoky Quartz (Stone of Letting Go)
A smoky grey or brown variety of Quartz, Smoky Quartz is an essential healing crystal for times of loss. Having a piece can calm your nerves and reduce the emotional shock of depression and dark times. And while you will be prone to all sorts of negativity during your time of grief,having a piece of Smoky Quartz with you will help you feel secure. It will keep your mind clear and sharp to help you see that you are rooted and will not break,that this too shall pass, and that when you are ready, you will let go.
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19. Snowflake Obsidian (Stone of Grounding and Focus)
An obsidian with “snowflake” inclusions, Snowflake Obsidian centers us and clears our minds. This black and white crystal keeps the mind from wandering aimlessly by slowing it down to bring it back to reality. This is good for those who feel disconnected from the present and lost in unwanted thoughts. For those who can’t let go of bad habits developed during their time of mourning, Snowflake Obsidian can help break these habits by detoxifying the mind and keeping you focused on your goals. As a bonus, this crystal can also be used for past life recall, which can be useful for finding insight into your present situation.
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20. Sugilite(The Nurturing Stone)
Sugilite is an “in the moment” stone. When you harness its energy, you learn to relax and stay in the present. Holding Sugilite over your heart or third eye will cause a surge of feelings of love. Do this when you feel despair to remind yourself to be kind to yourself and that you too deserve love. This violet crystal’s energy is also very nurturing. Like a mother, it will provide protection and comfort when you are experiencing disappointments and trauma. Sugilite can also help unravel tightly bound grudges and hostility, and replace these intense emotions with kindness and mutual support.
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21. Sunstone (The Stone of Personal Power)
Loss may bring you to your knees and may you feel weak, but the strong energy of this amber stone can infuse you with the strength, power, independence and freedom of the Sun. Sunstone will remind you of who you are, your true power, your ambitions, goals and desires. It will help you remember that there is life after the loss and a “You” independent of the lost loved one. Sunstone will reestablish your identity and remind you that you need to keep going not just for yourself, but for those relying on you.It will remind you that with focus and hard work, you will overcome.
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22. Unakite (The Stone of Emotional Strength)
This red and green heart stone is so deeply connected to our hearts that keeping a piece with you will give you better understanding and reign over your emotions over time. Unakite delivers a soft energy that will put you at ease as it simultaneously unearths dead weight emotions that occupy your heart space. This crystal will definitely bring all your feelings to the light, but know that this is important in the grieving process.You must first acknowledge their existence so you can address them. In each stage, Unakite will fortify your heart until you reach inner peace.
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The 5 Stages of Grief
1. Denial
At this stage, the loss is fresh and has not yet been fully processed. There is shock and confusion about the new reality as waves of conflicting emotions like anger, desperation, hope, sadness and yearning rock our foundations. Thoughts like “They’ll come back” and thinking up scenarios where things return to normal occur. The good thing about Rhodonite is that it can keep us centered while we feel these emotions as part of the grieving process. As the saying goes, “You can heal what you can’t feel”, and accepting the strange and painful new reality is how we begin moving forward.
2. Anger
Anger is where the “Why?” happens. We become overwhelmed by feelings of betrayal, injustice and the need to find someone to blame. Often at this stage, we subconsciously want to punish the wrongdoer as a way to get out power back,power we feel was snatched from us when the loss happened. Amethyst is one of the best crystals to soothe this anger and give us clarity of mind to keep us from hurting not just others but also ourselves.
3. Bargaining
This stage is more apparent when the loss involves the end of a relationship. In these cases, many who haven’t accepted this new reality try to turn things back to how they were by making compromises. The problem happens when they become “martyrs” to keep a dead relationship going instead of letting go. Rose Quartz’s gentle energy can remind us to love ourselves and to also put our needs first as we make decisions during this stage.
4. Depression
“What’s the point?” This is the stage where the grieving feels the most helpless and hopeless with no future in sight. The reality that all future possibilities with the loved one is gone finally sinks in. The grieving often goes into isolation and lose interest in life. Smoky Quartz can provide an anchor during this time of mourning. It can absorb some of the sadness when it becomes overwhelming and bring comfort and clarity.
5. Acceptance
Acceptance is the time of coming to terms and moving forward. Here, we finally glimpse a life after the loss. We learn to thank our loved one for the happiness they brought in our lives, forgive the mistakes, and then we finally let them go. Done right, growth will be gained from this experience. Pyrite and Sunstone are good crystals for this time of new beginnings.
How to Use These Crystals to Move on From Grief and Loss of a Loved One
- Place these healing crystals for grief in your bedroom, office, car, or living room. Basically, place these grieving stones wherever you frequent often. This will ensure your spirit is uplifted and at peace.
- Wear them as necklace, bracelets, or rings to cloak yourself in the healing crystal’s energy throughout the day
- Carry these healing crystals as tumbled stones in your pocket or purse to help you let go of a sad thought when you have the urge to sink back into depression or feeling sorry for yourself.
- Meditate with healing crystals for grief that resonates most with you.
- Make a crystal grid in your home. Transform the energy in your space. The geometry of the crystal grid further enhances the crystals vibrations and your intention, helping you tap into the Universal Source of unlimited and abundant love. This healing energy of knowing that you are always loved will help you move on from your grief and bereavement.