Everyone goes through periods when everyday feels like a repeat of the day before. These are times when we feel that we’re not growing, we’re procrastinating, we’re stuck. Motivation is the starter we need to lift us out of “stuck-ness”. It is our sole responsibility to get us back on track towards our dreams, but it won’t hurt to get help along the way.
Healing crystals can help enhance your motivation to get unstuck and make changes for the better. Being stuck has many causes, which is why it is best to find out the root cause in your situation. Doing so can help you find the best healing crystals for motivation to work with. Often, the crystals that attract you most are the ones you actually need.
Top 15 Healing Crystals to Inspire and Motivate You
1. Amethyst (The Stone of Intuition and Clear Thinking)
Amethyst has always been known for its soothing effects on the nerves. This purple to lavender healing crystal for motivation is perfect for those whose motivational issues stem from hyperactive energy that creates confusion and mental noise. With the help of Amethyst, one reaches calm focus and an aura free of negativity and anxiety. This mental clarity allows you to see things from a levelheaded point of view. It also allows you to clearly see the reasons for wanting certain goals. Amethyst creates the perfect conditions for a positive and motivated mindset, allowing you to stop procrastinating and begin or get back on projects and endeavors you’ve been planning to do.
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2. Apatite (The Stone of Self-Control, The Stone of Inspiration and Manifestation)
The blue Apatite gemstone balances yin yang energy, which is our feminine and masculine traits. This harmony creates a powerful, forceful energy that can help you jumpstart and achieve success in your projects and endeavors. Blue Apatite’s energy stimulates your intelligence and help sits wearer become more positive, resourceful, focused and ready to take action. This healing crystal sparks inspiration by detoxifying you of negative thoughts by transmuting negativity into wisdom you can utilize to achieve your goals. Apatite gives you a clear vision of your end goal, which helps you endure and stay on track. During emotional situations, Apatite will help you keep disciplined and in control.
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3. Carnelian (Stone of Career, Motivation and Endurance)
Carnelian has the energy of a strong and steady beating heart. When the loss of motivation is physically related, such as chronic fatigue or sickliness, Carnelian can go into the cellular level to awaken your blood and vital organs. This creates a boost of vigor and stamina to help you endure the long, arduous process towards success. This makes Carnelian perfect for those wanting to get into physically laborious professions or those wanting to lose weight through rigorous exercise. Carnelian is also a creative manifesting stone that will help you get in touch with your essence and allow you to express your unique self passionately and joyfully. The orange healing crystal will also help remove your fears to take risks, making it useful in your professional life.
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4. Citrine (The Lucky Merchant Stone)
Businessmen love this stone for success, that’s why it has been dubbed“The Lucky Merchant’s Stone”. When something becomes routine, it becomes easy to get bored and forget why you started something. This bright yellow gemstone will bring happiness and joy back into your endeavors, which is vital in keeping motivated and excited. Citrine’s energy is happy and sunny. This helps you look towards the future with optimism. A key property of Citrine is its ability to increase your sense of individuality. This helps you figure out your life’s direction and set boundaries with those who keep you from it. This renewed sense of self will make you more resilient to setbacks and criticisms.
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5. Clear Quartz (The Master Healer)
The Master Healer, Clear Quartz, is used to heal a wide range of illnesses and issues, may it be emotional, mental, spiritual or physical. This is why Clear Quartz is so useful and effective for healing any issue that is keeping us from reigniting our passions and ambitions. Clear Quartz is one of the rare and versatile gemstones that can unblock the entire chakra system. It is useful for auric cleansing, healing and clearing of negative energy. Clear Quartz is also great for amplifying one’s intentions, as well as the energies of other stones. This makes it great for grids and combinations. With regular use, this healing crystal will help maintain a motivational mindset that you can apply in your endeavors.
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6. Goldstone (Stone of Ambition)
The Red and Blue Goldstone, or Red and Blue Sandstone, is known as the Stone of Ambition and the Warrior Stone because of its ability to focus your connection to your physical reality. This connection means that Goldstone can turn your grandest dreams and ideas into manifesting power. With its resonance to the power of fire, Goldstone’s energy radiates strength and transformation. It is perfect for embarking in new adventures, and it will even attract luck and abundance during your journey. This gemstone will protect you against unwanted energies and keep you focused when it gets tempting to give up. Goldstone will help stabilize your emotional body and give you a calm and clear state of mind to deal with emotionally charged and challenging situations.
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7. Malachite (Stone for Auric Cleansing)
If you often experience unexplained mood fluctuations, feel drained in large crowds and social gatherings, and feel that you just know what others are feeling and thinking, chances are that you are an empath. Empaths are energetically sensitive individuals who easily absorb the energies of their environment. This ability has both its ups and downs, a downside of which is that it can be draining for the ones absorbing all these energies. The green Malachite gemstone is perfect for balancing energetic imbalances often felt by empaths. By clearing out the Heart and Root Chakras, empaths are able to detoxify their auras of energies that are weighing them down. Once the clearing is done, you’ll feel uplifted and more motivated to go after your goals.
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8. Orange Calcite (Stone for Creativity)
Orange Calcite is an essential Sacral Chakra gemstone, which is why it is useful for unleashing our creative passions and energies. Orange Calcite has a soft energy that calms the auric field yet strengthens drive and the will to succeed. With your creative energies flowing through you, apathy and inactivity dissipates, and it becomes easier to tap into and explore your talents. This healing crystal for motivation will also amplify your energy and boost confidence, positivity and ambition. With this potent and empowering energetic mix, it becomes easier for you to reach your full potential and self-actualize.
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9. Red Garnet (Stone for Physical Vitality)
Red Garnet is a healing crystal for motivation that works best for those whose reason for being stuck is rooted in their physical bodies. Some of the healing benefits of this Stone for Physical Vitality include detoxifying vital organs and the blood. It also helps in the absorptions of vitamins and minerals, especially iron. This makes Red Garnet a good healing crystal for combating anemia and iron deficiency. The red crystal also balances cortisol levels, which affects our fight or flight response. This can help us become more levelheaded and objective when dealing with situations that usually trigger feelings or fear, doubts and discouragement.
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10. Red Jasper (The Supreme Nurturer, Stone of Endurance)
Red Jasper’s gentle energy is deeply connected to the earth, creating a stabilizing energy that keeps you focused and resolute during difficult times. This gemstone radiates positivity and courage. It also emanates protective energies that will shield you and keep you moving forward mentally, emotionally and spiritually during life’s unpredictable waves. Red Jasper is also known for its healing benefits for the physical body. It can be used to increase your strength, vitality and vibrancy. This healing crystal for motivation can also assist in generating muscle tissue, which is beneficial for those whose endeavor is to lose weight through exercise or get into sports. When used regularly, its nurturing energies will increase one’s overall life force and strength.
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11. Ruby (Stone of Passion)
This red, precious healing crystal stands for ardor and passion. When its energy is harnessed and used, Rubies can help you make leaps and bounds in achieving your wildest dreams. Rubies align the Root and Heart Chakras, making it easier to bring into fruition the things you desire most. It also fills you with courage to take on intimidating tasks that usually creates doubts in your skills and abilities. These beautiful healing crystals can also provide a jolt of energy whenever you’re tired and in need of a quick energy boost. When demotivated and discouraged, use rubies to help you feel alive and energized to take on the world.
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12. Shungite (Stone of Life)
When your body feels weakened and is the cause of your being stuck, the Stone of Life can help cleanse and heal a range of physical issues to bring your strength and vitality back. These black gemstones have the ability to strengthen the immune system, helping boost physical energy. It also detoxifies and purifies the body of things it no longer needs, and is known for shielding the body from harmful electro-magnetic fields. Shungite is also known to reduce feelings of stress by absorbing its wearer’s negative energies. This helps its wearer’ feel emotionally light and physically ready to endure in his/her endeavors.
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13. Sunstone (Stone of Leadership)
The healing crystal that resonates most with the sun’s masculine energy, Sunstone radiates the celestial being’s strong, fierce yet benevolent power. Sunstone is powerful in stimulating leadership qualities and increasing our personal power to influence our environment. Leaders, speakers and CEO’s can find a loyal confidante and companion in this golden orange crystal. Those aspiring to become leaders, business owners or pioneers in their fields can use Sunstone’s strength and confident energy. Aside from kindling leadership qualities, Sunstone emanates the sun’s joyous, optimistic energy and brings blessings to its wearer. Its healing properties also include improved digestion and metabolism, which positively impact physical vitality.
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14. Tangerine Quartz (Stone for Creativity and Focus)
Tangerine Quartz is a warm orange crystal for motivation that helps keep you focused on a task until its completion. Because of its resonance with the Sacral Chakra, Tangerine Quartz inspires a continuous flow of new and creative ideas. This healing crystal helps us reconnect with the joyful creativity and curiosity of a child, and teaches us to once again explore our world fearlessly. Tangerine Quartz helps dissolve our fears of what others think and encourages a humble, curious and questioning nature, which is extremely helpful in our personal and professional growth. The creative and focused energies of Tangerine Quartz make for a powerful manifesting energy.
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15. Tiger’s Eye (The Stone of the Mind)
This golden to brownish red stone is The Stone of the Mind because of its ability to create a feeling of mental oneness. When you feel drained from getting pulled in so many directions, Tiger’s Eye will give you the mental clarity to dissolve confusion, direct your thoughts and solve problems without being clouded by emotion. This is especially helpful if the cause of your being stuck is due to a lack of direction or an overstimulated emotional body. Tiger’s Eye is effective for balancing yin and yang energies. Combined with is ability to align the Third Eye and Solar Plexus, this healing crystal makes its wearer extremely powerful to manifest ideas into the physical realm.
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How to Use These Crystals for Motivation
- Place some healing crystals on your desk and in your office for motivation at work to complete projects and go after a promotion.
- Wear the healing crystal that resonates most with you as necklace, bracelets, or rings to get rid of procrastination vibes all day.
- Carry these healing crystals as tumbled stones in your pocket or purse. Wrap them in your hands as you recite an affirmation that resonates with you and take action.
- Place these motivation crystals under your pillow and think about why you are motivated each day (in the morning or right before bed) to wake up and work on your goals.
- Meditate with the healing crystals that resonates with you
- Make a motivation crystal grid using some of the healing crystals discussed above. This will transform the energy in your space. The geometry of the crystal grid further enhances the crystals vibrations and your intention, helping you sustain motivation during challenging times when most people give up.