With the current situation of the world, happiness is hard to come by. Even the best people are having a hard time finding the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes, all we need is a little boost and getting crystals for happiness is one way we can do that. There are certain crystals that specifically bring more positivity in your life. Others are made to get rid of negative energy, which then opens up your life to something better.
If you’re looking for something to help you cheer up in these trying times, here’s a list of 25 crystals and gemstones that you can choose from.
Top 25 Crystals for Happiness and Positive Energy
1. Amazonite – The Ease and Clarity Stone
For those who are constantly plagued with negative thoughts and anxiety, the Amazonite is the gemstone that you need. It gets rid of all that negative energy and clears your mind of all those messy thoughts. That way, you can have more positive and encouraging thoughts.
This is especially helpful for those that are constantly suffering from past trauma, fear, and worry. Once trouble and conflict are removed, then you can start to feel the universal love that naturally comes from this stone.
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2. Amber – Gold of the Sea
Known as the Gold of the Sea, Amber has a long history of cleansing and healing. What it primarily does is absorb negativity, which gives way to positive energy and emotions. Historically, it has been loved and coveted by many because it is believed to come from the sun. That is also why it is associated with light and life. This also ties in with its ability to bring happiness and joy with its bright color.
Similarly, its age allows it to relieve you of past karma and feelings of grief. Amber is also related to tears, so those who have this usually use it to get rid of melancholy and sadness. Those who have depression can also benefit from having this stone around them.
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3. Angel Aura Quartz – Crystal of Vibrant Energy
This crystal has high vibrations that can be felt by all people. Its frequency is what attracts rays of energy, joy, and happiness. During days when your energy is low, you may feel down and unmotivated. An Angel Aura Quartz will relieve you of these problems. The energy from this crystal will also rejuvenate you and introduce a new glow in your life. For this reason, people love using it to start over and find new motivation.
One of the Angel Aura Quartz’ unique qualities is its ability to empower those who hold it. You gain a better appreciation of life, and that is what makes people happier overall. If you want to start enjoying the little moments again, then this crystal is what you are looking for.
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4. Black Obsidian – The Powerful Healer
Dark stones are infamous for their ability to heal and resonate with the soul, and the Black Obsidian is one of the most powerful of them all. It can clear your mind of impurities that are hindering you from seeing the truth. Sometimes, the things that make us sad are just made up in our minds. By discovering the truth, we can feel at ease and find true happiness in our lives.
It is particularly good for finding a happier love life. Black Obsidian will help you release tension and issues between you and your partner, which in turn results in a happier relationship overall. This gemstone also opens up your heart to help it better accept the love of others.
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5. Celestite – Crystal for Chaotic Minds
For those with chaotic minds, this crystal is perfect for you. It calms your mind and brings you feelings of peace with its high frequency vibrations. These same vibrations also bring positive energy, which also cleanses the area around you. Celestite will bring back hope and good fortune in your life.
If you are someone that experiences anxiety, paranoia and constant worrying, then Celestite will help. Sometimes these unnecessary fears are what bring us misery in our lives. We often worry about things that are not real today nor in the future. Worry and fear does nothing but rob us of joy and happiness in the present moment. Celestite will liberate you of negative thoughts and help you enjoy life more.
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6. Chrysoprase – Crystal of Divine Truth
With the power to resonate Divine Truth, the Chrysoprase gem will bring you joy and happiness in your life. It is often used by those that experience depression and anxiety because it promotes love and forgiveness. People with anxiety often have difficulty letting go of things they have done in the past. This stone will help them move on from them so that they are no longer chained to the pain they experienced before.
Similarly, the love that is instilled by this stone helps people become more accepting of their true nature and make them more independent. As a result, we feel more secure with ourselves and our decisions, which leads to a happier life overall.
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7. Citrine – The Power of the Sun
Citrine is often known for its ability to bring wealth and prosperity. However, it also brings joy, happiness, and enthusiasm to all those who hold it. In fact, the main reason why this stone brings success is because of its ability to help one realize their dreams. It encourages a positive outlook in life, which is what helps them get more wealth.
Another thing that this crystal does is absorb negative energy and dissipate it. For this reason, Citrine never has to be cleansed despite taking in negativity. It will also create a shield around you. This will protect you from the influence of others, especially those with the intention of breaking your heart.
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8. Clear Quartz – Gift from Mother Earth
Known throughout time for its clear beauty, this crystal is well known for its ability to cleanse you of negative energy. The clear light from it is what helps it remove negative energy as well as recharge energies of people and other stones. It will remove the bad and encourage good feelings and happy thoughts.
In addition, Clear Quartz will make you livelier and more energetic. Similarly, this energy will help you manifest your goals in life.
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9. Crazy Lace Agate – the Stone of Laughter
You see those lace patterns on the stone? Those are known as happy lace by some. It is also associated with fiestas and dancing, which further reinforces its ability to bring joy in life. Crazy Lace Agate is famous for bringing fun and laughter to parties. It lightens and improves everyone’s mood.
Aside from that, it also promotes flexibility and mental agility. This can greatly help you in living a happier life. By becoming more flexible and open to change, you won’t be so easily upset or affected if things don’t go your way. This also means that you can find something good in every scenario, which makes even stressful situations seem okay.
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10. Green Aventurine – The Stone of Opportunity
Get yourself a winning attitude with this crystal. Green Aventurine will invite opportunities of success and abundance to your door steps. Who doesn’t want a little more “luck” in life? Green Aventurine will change your entire outlook because it helps you release disappointments in life. If you are unsatisfied with something in your life, this stone will turn that feeling around. That will then translate into motivation, which results in overall success.
Another benefit of Green Aventurine is its ability to calm restless nerves. Having tranquility and peace on your life is extremely liberating and brings a special kind of happiness that most want to achieve. Not only that, it will make you content with your choices and help you achieve great things.
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11. Green Tourmaline – Nature’s Best Healing Crystal
Similar to stones of similar color, Green Tourmaline brings wealth and success. However, it can also stimulate your creativity and renew your vigor for your hobbies. This crystal will bring you energy and stamina, which will help you live a happy and fuller life. The green one is specifically made to bring more life.
Aside from that, the Green Tourmaline also opens your heart to love. Because of this connection with the earth, it opens our heart and helps us accept the love and care of others. When we are able to feel love, our lives become happier and more joyful.
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12. Peridot – The Extreme Gem
This stone is known for its ability to sharpen one’s mind. Even during the time of Cleopatra, Peridot has been known to dispel negative energies and clear your mind of harmful thoughts. It alleviates emotional burdens such as guilt and obsession to give way to the abundance in our life.
Peridot is also an empowering stone. You can use it to boost your self-confidence and achieve a sort of contentment in life. By achieving independence, we become happier individuals because we are able to pursue the things that we really want without hindrances. This is why this stone also helps one assert themselves to achieve their wants and goals.
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13. Pyrite – The Fool’s Gold
Contrary to its name and appearance, this is actually a fiery stone with a warm and soothing energy to it. What this stone does is protect you from negative energies and environments that can taint or ruin your flow. At the same time, it reinforces your strength and boldness to help you pursue true happiness.
If you want to prevent yourself from being hurt by others, then this is the stone to do it. You can maintain the joy you have now and keep yourself from external influences with this stone. Moreover, the brightness of this stone will bring your mental clarity, which will get rid of negative thoughts that plague your mind.
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14. Rhodochrosite – Stone of the Compassionate Heart
This raspberry-colored stone is all about love and compassion. It brings true joy and happiness by getting rid of past wounds that constantly plague you. Rhodochrosite will help you discover love in yourself and in others again. The way it soothes the heart is how one can achieve unconditional love.
The love that this stone brings isn’t just emotional but also one fueled by actions. It helps you show your love through acts of kindness. If you have childhood trauma, this stone will also help you overcome them. By getting rid of emotional burdens of the past and allowing them to be seen in a new light, you can achieve happiness in your life and in the future.
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15. Rhodonite – The True Purpose Stone
Similar to the previous stone, this one is also about love and compassion. However, it focuses more on emotional balance. Rhodonite also has more lasting effects because it aims to empower you emotionally and turns your inner skill into something that benefits everyone. Discovering your purpose and calling in life can bring you immense happiness because you won’t feel so lost anymore.
Those in their 20s can greatly benefit from this stone because that is the time in our lives where it is most confusing. You don’t know what to do or what the future holds, but this stone is the answer to all those problems. Rhodonite is also known for getting rid of self-destructive tendencies that are making us miserable.
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16. Rose Quartz – The Love Stone
Famously known as a symbol of love, Rose Quartz is best for problems in a relationship, whether platonic or romantic. All its abilities are related to the heart. For one, it can make you more accepting of the love of others. This crystal will get rid of your fears, insecurities, and emotional wounds. These feelings are what holds us back from being happy.
For those who love intimacy, a Rose Quartz will help you discover this. It helps you build connections with others. If you previously have issues with your familial, platonic or romantic relationships, then this stone will help you. What it does is gets rid of the negativity and helps all parties love more openly.
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17. Selenite – The Clearing Stone
Also called the stone of reconciliation, the Selenite is about harmony and balance as well. What it does is help people overcome their differences and achieve peace. When it comes to happiness, you can increase the joy in your life if you learn to understand the point of view of others, which can be done with the help of this crystal. It also helps you communicate yourself more. Being understood by other means you can voice out concerns that bother you.
Another thing that Selenite does is remove blockages and dispels worries. Your spirits will become rejuvenated and fresh once you get rid of these feelings. It takes its energy from the moon to help clear out impurities in our system.
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18. Smoky Quartz – The Stone of Letting Go
For those that have trouble moving on from past experiences, the Smoky Quartz is perfect for you. One thing that Smoky quartz does is help you heal and let go of traumatizing events of the past. By relieving you of these memories, you can become happier because the burdens have been lifted. At the same time, it will also bring you strength and stability.
Because of its high vibrations, the Smoky Quartz will bring you to a higher state of emotional and spiritual being. In this level, you can push forward to get a future that you want without the baggage that has been holding you back.
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19. Sunstone – Radiance of the Sun
True to its name, this stone shines with the intensity and warmth of the sun. It brings light, strength, and warmth to those that are suffering in the darkness. Sunstones are also known for inspiring people to pursue personal growth. This can help you overcome the darkest and coldest situations.
This is great for those with depression as it shines light in you and brings back your enthusiasm. Those that have this stone will notice that their lives become more spirited and vibrant. Sunstone also encourages people to take care of themselves, and this in itself will bring you joy.
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20. Tangerine Quartz – Stone of Understanding
People sometimes have trouble accepting their own decisions and choices, and this often makes them sad and insecure. The Tangerine Quartz will help you with this by triggering your personal growth. It’s best for those who need to work on their inner self. By getting rid of self-doubt, we can live happier and more secure lives.
Similarly, this crystal also helps us understand the events around us. There are times where the events and circumstances that happen to us are hard to comprehend. Tangerine Quartz will make us understand the meaning behind these events and find the light in difficult situations.
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21. Tiger’s Eye – Stone of the Mind
Get the sharpness of the tiger with this stone. It brings mental clarity that will help you ascend to a higher level of thinking. Happiness is a mindset, not a destination. Hence, the Tiger’s Eye stone will keep you mentally strong to weather the storms of life and maintain balanced emotions even during the most challenging days. Tiger’s Eye will help you make better judgements that benefit you and are the perfect crystals for happiness.
Tiger’s Eyes also brings patience and balance. Sometimes rushing and lack of patience is what makes us so frustrated all the time. We purposely hurt ourselves this way, which is why patience is important in achieving happiness.
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22. Turquoise – Talisman of Shamans
If you are constantly feeling emotionally exhausted, use these crystals for positive energy and bring joy back into your life. Turquoise is great for those who experience depression and panic attacks. Its color brings a soothing and protective energy that will help you in all your days.
This stone is famously known for improving someone’s mood. Similar to how it heals the body during sickness, it can sense when the owner is sad and absorb it. The crystal will then dispel this negativity and heal you. You can also use this to relieve yourself of stress and anxiety.
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23. Unakite – Balancer of Relationships
With its color and vibrations, Unakite balances the heart and lifts your spirit. It tackles deep down into your heart and resolves deep-rooted emotions that have been plaguing you. This stone will then release these feelings and help you find clarity.
This crystal is also about fostering good relationships, whether personal or in business. Being alone can worsen our mood, and we need other people to cheer us up. What Unakite does is improve your relations to others and encourage harmony.
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24. Watermelon Tourmaline – The Super Activator
This red and green stone is also one for healing the heart. It channels the energies of all the colors of the Tourmaline to help unlock and cleanse your heart. With this, you can become more compassionate and caring of others. By giving empathy to others, you start to feel more joy in your life because you know that you have helped someone.
Watermelon Tourmaline can also protect your relationship from the influence of external forces. It’s not enough that you become happy, but you need to maintain it as well. With this stone, you can be assured that you won’t easily absorb the negativity of others.
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25. Yellow Jade – Jade of Enthusiasm
With the bright color of this crystal, the Yellow Jade is the perfect crystal for happiness and enthusiasm. If you find that life has lost its life, this stone will bring back energy and revitalization. It encourages you to become fulfilled through your own personal feats.
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How to Use These Crystals for Happiness, Joy, and Positive Energy
- As work is where you spend the majority of your time, pick a few of these happiness crystals and place them on your desk and in your office to remind yourself to keep a positive outlook on the day
- Wear them as necklace, bracelets, or rings to bring the frequency of joy, happiness and self-love wherever you go.
- Carry these crystals as tumbled stones in your pocket or purse
- Meditate with these happiness crystals that resonate with you. The more you meditate on thoughts of happiness, the faster the universe will deliver moments of joys to you, sometimes in the most unexpected way.
- Make a happiness and joy crystal grid in your home. Transform the energy in your space by utilizing the geometry of the crystal grid to further enhance the crystals vibrations and your intention. This will draw in positive energy and happiness into your reality.